速報APP / 生活品味 / Get Motivated - Positive Motivation Hypn

Get Motivated - Positive Motivation Hypn



檔案大小:80.6 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 7.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Get Motivated - Positive Motivation Hypnotherapy by Glenn Ha(圖1)-速報App

'Get Motivated’ is a superb high quality hypnosis recording by the UK’s best selling self-help audio author Glenn Harrold. It will help you overcome procrastination and feel much more positive and motivated in all areas of your life.

Glenn is one of the world's most successful hypnotherapists. His CDs, Apps and MP3 downloads have sold over 4 million and he is a published author with 7 self-help books to his name.

Like all of Glenn’s recordings 'Get Motivated’ combines powerful hypnotherapy techniques with state of the art recording technology. The special background sound effects have been recorded in certain keys and frequencies to help enhance the meditation effect and guide you into a deep state of mental and physical relaxation. The main sound on the hypnotherapy track was recorded at 528khz, the solfeggio frequency, which is said to heal DNA, open your heart and induce feelings of love and inner peace.

At the deepest point in the meditation you are given a number of post-hypnotic and direct suggestions to help you connect with feelings of creativity and motivation which will stay with you in your everyday life. There are also a number of background affirmations, which echo and pan from left to right across the stereo range, ideal when using headphones. This deeply relaxing and powerful method of delivering multiple suggestions simultaneously to the unconscious mind can facilitate positive changes very quickly.

At the end of the recording you will be gently guided back to full waking consciousness with a combination of suggestion and music. There are also a number of positive subliminal suggestions, which are embedded in the fade out music adding to the overall effect. This amazing recording is a completely safe and very effective way of helping you to go into a deep state of relaxation and release anxiety and worry and feel very positive and motivated.

This App Includes:

Hypnosis Audio Tracks

• Get Motivated - 29:35 mins

Get Motivated - Positive Motivation Hypnotherapy by Glenn Ha(圖2)-速報App

• 12 Minute Sleep Booster

eBooks by Glenn Harrold

• De-Stress - The 8 Golden Rules

• Exercise Motivation - The 7 Golden Rules

• The Ultimate Guide To Self Hypnosis

• How To Use This App

• About The Author

This state of the art recording features:

Get Motivated - Positive Motivation Hypnotherapy by Glenn Ha(圖3)-速報App

* The very latest hypnotherapy techniques and state-of-the-art digital recording technology.

* Glenn's highly acclaimed hypnotic vocal techniques guiding you into a completely relaxed state of mind & body.

* 60 b.p.m. background sound effects recorded in specific musical keys and frequencies to compliment the hypnotic suggestions and deepen the relaxation effect.

* Stereo-echoed affirmations, which pan from ear-to-ear across the stereo range - a deeply relaxing and unique effect.

Glenn has over 20 years experience as a full-time hypnotherapist and works with many celebrity clients. He has appeared on TV a number of times and his successful hypnotherapy sessions are often featured in newspaper and magazine articles. Here are some of the many endorsements Glenn's receives from celebrities and journalists amongst others.

"I've had a listen to your Inner Wisdom CD and loved it - it certainly did the trick, as usual, I was out for the count within minutes and woke feeling incredibly uplifted. You really do have such a talent for this. Amazing! :-)"

Alexandra Wenman

Assistant Editor, Prediction Magazine

Get Motivated - Positive Motivation Hypnotherapy by Glenn Ha(圖4)-速報App

"Hypnotic heartbeat paced sound effects and heavenly music lull you into a relaxed state and boy do they work"

Christina Hardyment - The Times

Get Motivated - Positive Motivation Hypnotherapy by Glenn Ha(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad